5 Apr 2009

Making those first nights with your new baby easier

As a first time mother there were several products I didn't know about or consider taking to hospital. Second time around I was far more clued up about what was going to happen! Below are our top 5 recommendations for making those first nights a little easier for mother and baby:

  1. Grobag Swaddling - This specially designed swaddling blanket recreates the comforting and soothing feeling of being in the womb, which helps baby to sleep more soundly and provides mum with some extra precious sleep.

  2. Carriwell Lace Nursing Bra - if you're breastfeeding, you'll need to keep breast pads in place during the night with a nursing bra, however, traditional breastfeeding bras for the day will probably have uncomfortable clips at the back for sleeping. The Carriwell Lace Nursing Bra has no clips at the back and its flexible design easily adjusts with increases and decreases in bust size.

  3. Lansinoh - if you're planning to breastfeed this product really can make all the difference by preventing or treating chapped and sore nipples.

  4. Organic Nightgown - baby sleepsuits can be a fickle business for the first time mother (and second, third etc...) especially for those first nappy changes. Make life easier during the night with these nightgowns, which also have clever cuffs to stop baby scratching themselves.

  5. Carriwell Hospital Pants - Extremely practical and also great for caesarean recuperation as it allows scars to breathe and won't irritate the scar.