- Stock up the freezer with meals before birth, you'll be so grateful for those easy meals once baby arrives
- Don't be shy of letting people know that you're not having visitors for a few days if you don't feel up to it, family and friends will understand
- Try to get out of the house everyday, even if it's just for a short walk
- Take some time out for yourself, even if it's just a haircut or manicure, you deserve it.
- Lower your expectations, don't aspire to have a perfect home, cooked meal on the table, you'll only exhaust yourself. Baby and you take priority.
- Try to meet other new mums. It can feel like your first day in a new job walking into mother and baby groups, be brave and strike up a conversation with a mum. Friendships with other mum's take time but will keep you sane through those sleepless nights, weaning, toilet training and tantrums!
2 Aug 2010
Survival Tips for New Mums
Being a new mum involves adapting to lots of life changes and it can all feel like too much especially during those first few weeks after birth. Here's some great tips to survive!